2023-24 Academic Year Summer Recess Inventory Check Notice from Construction and Buildings Section, General Affairs Division

Construction and Buildings Section, General Affairs is going to carry out 2023-24 Academic Year summer recess inventory check; please cooperate with following matters。

  • Each unit is required to check their inventory after downloading “inventory list” of relevant location(s) under “Faculty and Staff System.” →”School Property Record”。
  • Faculty members are requested to personally please check the equipment purchased with the funds from National Science and Technology Council or other special projects, sign on the inventory check list (including the date of inventory checking, signature of property managing staff member / unit administrator) and submit the inventory check list to the Construction and Buildings Section for filing and reference (deadline: August 31, 2024).
  • Units that have borrowed properties from other units are required to fill out the equipment borrowing record clearly (Please refer to downloadable forms on Faculty and Staff System website.) with the name, faculty and staff ID No. (Student ID No.) of the user, and submit to the property managing staff member for approval with his or her signature, then submit to the administrator for approval to complete the process. The maximum time limitation is one year; the process must be repeated for renewals.
  • If you would like to change the designated inventory checking time, please inform us in advance so that we can rearrange the schedule.
  • Inventory checking period: June 24 to August 31, 2024.
  • Items to be checked: All property. (Lot number: starting no.: 0830101, ending no.: 1130731)
  • Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Contact person on Taipei Campus, Jihe Complex and Kinmen Location: Ms. Chang, Yi-Chuan, ext. 2265

Contact person on Taoyuan campus: Mr. Wang, jing-yan ext. 3789