Ming Chuan University Childcare Subsidy Application

Ming Chuan University Procedures Regarding Childcare Subsidy were established in accordance with Gender Equity in Employment Act. Faculty and staff members whose children meet the conditions stated in the Procedures are eligible to apply for childcare subsidy for each child. Please check the attached files for qualifications and note the required documents for applying. The application period is March 6-16, 2023. This is to cover children enrolled in a childcare institution during 2022-23 AY for employees who have not previously applied for the Childcare Subsidy for that child. The date when the subsidy can be collected will be announced separately. Eligible faculty and staff members are encouraged to apply. Thank you.

Please submit your application to: Ms. Wei, Jhong-Fan at Ext. 2229 in General Affairs Division.

Faculty and Staff Welfare Committee